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The Experimental Unit " DiaScope " is a place to study and observer diversity (plants and biodiversity in general) and their capacity of Adaptation to diverse environments .

      It serves research units working on filed Crops or fruit trees around themes related to Diversity, Domestication, Adaptation to water and nutritional stress, Varietal Innovation, Interactions Genotype x Environment, Plant or Microbial Communities, Soil quality Indicators, Soil fauna, Carbon Sequestration. The unit provides logistical support, offering a range of environments and cropping systems in the field or in confined areas ranging from conventional to organic farming, a platform instrumented with high-throughput tools and phenotyping expertise in design and description of cultivated plant diversity.
        DIASCOPE is a place of strong interdisciplinarity between natural sciences (genetics, ecophysiology, systemic agronomy, agro -ecology, soil biogeochemistry, functional ecology ... ) and social sciences within the framework of action research in partnership .

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